Saturday, February 11, 2012

I think is imperative to protect the endangered cultures and languages, because, as we saw in the videos, the differences make us unique, they identify us. The different cultures show us different way of acting and we learn of them values that we would never learn at being enclosed in just one culture.

We are not always right, we don’t have all the answers, but if we keep in mind that we are a complex multicultural group of people, we will maybe approach to these unknown answers, because there are many people out there full of knowledge that are not taken into account because of being part of a minority.  

On the other hand, the languages are like the flags of the cultures. Wed Davis said “Language is not just a body of vocabulary or set of grammatical rules, it’s a flash of the human spirit...", that means that each language represent beliefs, thoughts, traditions, history, identity; and if a language disappears all of these issues will also disappear. As Phil Borges said, every two weeks an elder dies, taking with him a language that will never be spoken again, because he was the last person in the world who spoke it. So, in some years we will lose the half of our diversity.

Many people say all the time that it would be nice to speak just one language in the entire world, but how could we choose this language? Would it be English, or Spanish, or French? It would be unfair with the rest of the people who don’t speak this chosen language, it would be unfair taking off their culture, are they less important? I don’t think so. So we have to respect the differences and be proud of the diversity of our society.