Thursday, May 10, 2012

I agree with the saying "Your actions speak louder than your words" because  as we can see in the video "Non-verbal Communication: The Documentary" the 93% of our communication is based on non-verbal messages, which means that our body language and the voice take a lot of importance while interacting with others.The words are just a little part of the message, they don't always show what you really mean, or they can mean something you don't really think or feel, because is easier to fake the verbal messages than the non-verbal ones. For example, two years ago, in an important summit the president of Ecuador Rafael Correa greeted the president of Colombia trying to being polite, but everyone around the world realized that it was a really hypocritical greeting, and just because of the face he did while greeting him.

Things like that happen everyday; we are always expressing our state of mind and our perception of others by non-verbal cues. Another example is when we are sad because of something that happened to us but we are trying to hide this feeling, but there’s always someone who realizes that we are sad and when this person asks us, we try to keep lying saying that nothing is going on, but our facial expressions and our actions give us away.

If we are talking with someone and that person tells you something that don’t correspond with his actions, we will have to choose one of these two criterions (words or actions), and the most of the time we rather to believe in actions than in words, because is very easy to say something even if is not true, but is really hard to fake your expressions and your actions.In conclusion, “your actions speak louder than your words” because your actions are more reliable than your words because they can’t be faked, they are unconscious and they show what you really think or feel.