Monday, March 19, 2012

One of the most important consequences of the

globalization is the destruction of the cultural barriers, which means the rapprochement of countries and people around the world. Because of that, the international relatioships are becoming stronger and the people are opening their minds to the cultural differences, that's why is becoming more and more common the marriages between people from different cultures.

In all the marriages the differences and the tolerance take an important place at the development of the relationship, even if they are from the same culture, the way of thinking and acting of each person can hinder the success of it.

In a bicultural marriage, the differences are more noteworthy and they are reflected in almost all the situations when a decision affects both. Which one should give in?.
But these problems are not a bid deal when there is love and when there are desires of making a success of their marriage.  

In the other hand, the biggest problems have to do with the families. For example, in the movie "My big fat greek wedding" is clearly illustrated how can a family react when one of the members fall in love with a person from another culture, in this case a greek woman with an american guy. Everything that is included in the culture becomes an obstacle for them: the customs, the religion, the manners, the traditions, the language, etc. In the movie, the Toula's father was completely against this relationship, because he was not greek, and it caused a lot of problems between the members of the family. At the end, the love was stronger and they got married.

Something worse would happen if the families or at least one of them,were even more extremist with their culture, like the Indian culture or the Arabian one, that are completely unyielding, 

In these cases, is very important to be tolerant and respectful with the other person and trying to understand that the cultural diversity enriches our minds, and that there is not neither a right nor a wrong way of being, we are different but anyway equal.

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